Exodus Recovery, Inc.

Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT)

North Coastal San Diego, CA

536 West Vista Way, Suite A
Vista, CA 92083

Program Inquires: (760) 758-1650
Fax: (760) 758-1701

Hours of operation for MCRT are 24/7, 365 days a year

MCRT is dispatched through the San Diego Access and Crisis Line (ACL) (888) 724-7240.

Program Director: Megan Patrick-Thompson, PhD

What is MCRT?

The North Coastal Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) is a non-law enforcement mobile crisis intervention program for children, youth, and adults, who are experiencing a behavioral health crisis and located in the North Coastal region of San Diego County. Requests for MCRT services are triaged by the San Diego Access and Crisis Line (ACL).


What happens if MCRT responds to a referral?

MCRT is dispatched through the San Diego Access and Crisis Line (ACL) (888) 724-7240.

MCRT will arrive to the destination provided by the ACL in a marked vehicle. MCRT will have Exodus employee ID visible, and wearing a teal or black MCRT polo shirt. If the individual is not visible upon arrival, MCRT will attempt to make telephonic contact prior to approaching any doors or encampments.


Who makes up the MCR Teams?

Each MCRT team consists of a Licensed Mental Health Clinician, Master’s Level Case Manager, and Peer Support Specialist (someone with lived experience with behavioral health).


How the Mobile Crisis Response Team Helps?

MCRT provides crisis intervention in the community to address behavioral health needs, facilitate access to immediate care, and link the person to appropriate services. MCRT services are designed to enable the client to cope with the crisis at hand while maintaining their functional status in the community and prevent further decompensation or hospitalization.

North Coastal MCRT offers comprehensive services to include the following:

  • Community based intervention for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis, this can include home, workplace, or other locations
  • Crisis assessment and intervention
  • Suicide and risk assessment and intervention
  • Coordination of care with existing treatment providers
  • Coordination with law enforcement as appropriate
  • Linkage and referrals to community- based organizations and primary care
  • Care coordination and follow-up with individuals’ post-intervention

What is the service area for the North Coastal MCRT?

Zip Codes Served

Carlsbad 92008
Oceanside 92054
92056   92057  
Camp Pendleton 92055 92068 92672
San Dieguito 92007
Vista 92081 92083 92084


MCRT Regions

How are referrals made to the MCRT?

The San Diego Access and Crisis Line (ACL) at (888) 724-7240 or TDD/TTY Dial (711) is the initial access point for anyone experiencing a behavioral health crisis in San Diego. The licensed clinicians at the ACL are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year. ACL clinicians are trained in crisis intervention and they will determine if MCRT intervention is the most appropriate response for callers. ACL has a direct line to the MCRT program in order to make referrals and mobilize our teams.

The North Coastal MCRT is available, 24/7, 365 days a year. Response times are dependent on call volume, with the goal of responding in one hour when a team is available.


I have questions. How do I contact you?

You may contact MCRT program for general questions by calling 760-758-1650, from our online brochure (disponible en español), or by visiting the San Diego Behavioral Health Services FAQ webpage at: BHS MCRT FAQs (sandiegocounty.gov). All referrals or requests for services can contact the Access and Crisis Line at (888) 724-7240 or TDD/TTY Dial (711).


MCRT in the News:

County Officials Highlight Early Success of Mobile Crisis Response Team Program | News | San Diego County News Center
Mobile Crisis Response Teams Successfully Operating Countywide | News | San Diego County News Center
All Local Law Enforcement Agencies to Refer Calls to County Mobile Crisis Response Teams | News | San Diego County News Center
Luke Bergmann: San Diego County’s mobile crisis response teams will fill a gap in mental health services – The San Diego Union-Tribune (sandiegouniontribune.com)

Employment Opportunities with MCRT

To learn more about job opportunities with the Mobile Crisis Response, follow the link for our current job opportunities. Exodus Recovery Inc. Jobs and Careers | Indeed.com


To access services with the North Coastal MCRT, contact the San Diego Access and Crisis Line: (888) 724-7240 or TDD/TTY Dial (711)

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